In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette

In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette
December 8, 1955 - October 25, 2009

Friday, February 25, 2011

16 Months

Still coping and not liking it. I still wake up about once a week expecting to find Bette beside me. Right now I'm probably missing most is having my soul-mate there to confide in and share thoughts, ideas, and feelings. It is mostly just the little shared comment when we see something while driving down the road, see something on TV or hear on the radio, talk about problems or events at work, and so on. You know the shared look, words, intimacy you only have after years and years of being together.

I would like to thank Bonnie for our near daily phone calls and keeping me sane and grounded. I think it means more to me than she knows. Winter with it's short days and cold dreary weather can be depressing in its self. Bonnie bolsters me, raising me up from the low lows and keeps my feet planted during the occasional highs. As they say in the nautical lexicon, Bonnie - thank you for keeping me on an even keel. I know my boat is not sinking but at times the current makes it seem like there is no headway, and you, Bonnie, are there
showing me how to fish in those stagnant times.

Enough with the allegory. And I would like to thank the rest of Bette's family, or should I say my family. I am an only child and I couldn't ask for a better family. I hope to be able see them all more this year... Here is to a better 2011.

1 comment:

  1. You put up one of my favorite pictures of Bette with that fish from Sals pond. We had just gotten back from that ride to the boathouse restaurant, good food, perfect view of a small guys always find these neat places to eat, I fussed at Bette cuz my leg was killing me from the stickin' I went to Sals to fish away the pain, and Bette headed for a nap. Before long she came over to Sals and I handed a pole to her. Said She didnt want to fish, just wanted to sit and relax. I said she could sit, relax AND fish. So Bette sits on a rock, in the sun, of course, picks out the smallest little lure in the box and starts teasing the little fish near the wall. In the mean time,I'm casting my brains out with all kinds of lures to see what works, wearing myself out. I look over and Bette's pole looks like its about to break in half and she hauls in this monster bass, just a giggling away. The only camera we had was my cell phone and it took a pretty good picture...she looked so fishingly proud, like that was her plan all along. I have that picture in many places in the house, my car, my Bible, and I show it often.Good pick Jaime. And all this still so greatly sucks. Like a bad movie that keeps replaying in my head.

    Too many nights it's still hard to sleep or I wake up still in disbelief. Some folks think I should be beyond this grief. Just bite me.AND MYOB. And then there is this Japenese friend from church who recently had gotten saved,named Kori, who callled the other day and left a very lengthy message that she was thinking of me and praying for me and my family and Jaime, and she was crying on the message and telling me how the Lord will hold us up in our grief because the Lord knows all about our grief and wraps His arms around us to comfort us. This message from Kori, a fairly new, saved Christian, a very uplifting message, is thinking of me during her own grief. She recently lost a brother and her Mother, and has made several trips to Japan to help her Dad and family.

    Jaime, our calls, help us both. The winter is so long and creates alot of distance so the calls keeps us grounded till traveling weather is here.Then we can visit, eat, tease the fish, And I hope Sal has his derby in the spring, and if not, me and Cheryl will make our own derby.More fish for us.

    Here's to the quick coming of spring and darn that 10 inches of snow Fri. Bonnie
