In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette

In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette
December 8, 1955 - October 25, 2009

Sunday, September 25, 2011


It is been a short 23 months, almost 2 years since I learned that Bette died. I replay different aspects of that day over and over. The two things that replayed through my brain the most are the realization she is gone forever and the second is the outpouring of concern and love from friends, neighbors, family, and coworkers. Even from people that didn't know her directly.

Trying to lighten up things I will briefly talk about my new phone. It doesn't really matter what carrier you using for your cell phone. I am not pushing one carrier over another. I chose my carrier because that's one of the few that worked at my house. Back to the phone. I consider myself fairly electronically literate. I got one of those Droid phones. So how hard could it be just to answer the phone? So the phone rang. If you don't know this phone it's a touchscreen, so there are almost no buttons. The four buttons I know of are the power button, volume up, volume down, and take a picture. The first time I answer the phone I shut it off instead. Then I managed to take a picture of my foot the next time it rang. Luckily those were the only two calls until after I got into work on Monday. The majority of the people in my office have Droids. So I was able to get lots of help. I learned how to make the phone into a flashlight, download games, download sounds from your favorite movie, how to look for applications, how to turn the phone into a metal detector, check my e-mail, use Facebook, surf the web, and one of the most useful turn the phone into a light saber. It makes sounds just like in Star Wars. Among learning all these things I also learned how to answer the phone and make phone calls. And today, seven whole days after I got the phone I have learned how to hang up without turning the phone completely off.

I was told about an App that turns voice mail messages into a text message. I thought that would be useful given the luck I was having answering it. This is a message I got today:
"Hey Jeremy is there this is Shawn give me a call bye." It was suppose to say:
"Hey Jaime this is Cheryl give me a call bye." I see this App will be a lot of fun...

Until next time...

And if you call and I don't answer or hang up on you, I apologize, but you now know why.

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