In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette

In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette
December 8, 1955 - October 25, 2009

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

10 And 12

It has been 10 months since Bette has died, it is been 12 months since Senator Ted Kennedy died. Before today I had not realized that she died exactly 2 months after Sen. Kennedy.

I remember talking with Bette about Sen. Kennedy and the influence he has had on the world. Locally almost everyone has a story about how Senator Kennedy helped them, a family member, or a friend, or a neighbor. A friend of mine had his life saved by Sen. Kennedy. You can read this story in his blog ( My mother had met Sen. Kennedy several times through the VA where she was social worker. She would speak of the good work he was doing. Many times this she mentioned the Senator working even though it looked like he was in pain from what she thought was back problems. This is just another example of the Senator putting other people ahead of his own pain. This does not speak of any of the things Senator Kennedy did in the world front. No matter your politics you have to admit he has helped a lot of people. Bette and I felt like slugs when we compared what we have done with our lives to the Senator. In our own little way we should all aspire to make the world a better place.

The world lost a great man of great influence a short 12 months ago. Ten months ago I lost a woman who was a great influence to me and my best friend.

On this eve of (Bette's brother) Bill’s operation we are sending our love and good positive thoughts his way.

And lastly, I hope to have some new photos of Bette on the blog soon.

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