In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette

In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette
December 8, 1955 - October 25, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ode to Bette

Ode to Bette
A thing of beauty was her smile...
Twas resplendent on her face
And She was wrapped in radiance-
Her life was one of Grace.

Kind words and thoughtful gestures...
She scattered all around,
She seemed to me, an Angel...
One who tread on Higher Ground!!

She was a woman of strength and drive-
Many venues she'd pursue.
She'd achieve Black Belts in Martial Arts,
Seemed like nothing She couldn't do!

And Race Cars... She adored them-
With their power and their speed;
Anytime that She could step in one...
Any fast car She would heed!

In the Kitchen, even Julia Child,
would envy her cuisine...
She concocted dishes hot and mild,
At Cookery, She was Queen!!

Her Gardening prowess was renown...
Plethora's of color and style...
She loved to plant- the seeds she'd sown;
Brought lasting beauty all the while!

Ours was a brief acquaintance...
But so auspicious that it's so-
Her demeanor was so pleasant...
Never could be quid pro quo!

She brought me muffins in the morn...
We delighted in Chi tea...
While lodging at Jaime's Father's house-
She was so kind to me!

And my eldest son... he called her FRIEND...
One so generous and so good...
She helped him through a dark, hard time-
And sincerely understood.

She was a Dear, Dear Lady-
One so passionate and so kind...
And when I think of Dignity...
Lovely Bette comes to mind.

The Earth was a more Noble place,
While She graced it with her Cheer...
We all miss her so profusely...
And wish She were still Here!

With Love and Respect,
Heidi Ford

Thank you Heidi. I do not know how you were able to so eloquently capture Bette's life and spirit so well. I have been writing volumes and have not come close. Jaime


  1. Thank you Heidi-- I read it three times before I could get through to the end --- you are a wonderful person, and Bette would be so --- embarrassed --- always remember --- as I do -- a smile--- and then just a quick little smirk --- and then the smile as always. Bette never made a judgement with the smirk -- it was her way of pausing just for a moment to think of some words of encouragement, and then the reinforcement of the smile, always the smile. Happy Birthday to the twins !

  2. Thank you for the compliment, but Bette was the wonderful person! Happy Birthday Bette!
