In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette

In Memory Of my Loving Wife Bette
December 8, 1955 - October 25, 2009

Friday, April 2, 2010

Seems like everything reminds me of Bette

I was watching the news and they showed a solder that came back and they surprised his children at a hockey rink. That was so nice. It got me thinking we really should do more for the men and women defending our country. Also the families of those serving deserve our thanks and support. My heart goes out to the families that have lost someone... Sometimes I have to turn off the news because it makes me so sad.

This evening when I went to let the dogs out and I heard the "peepers" for the first time this year. Bette and I would always compete to see who would hear them first. Before my Mother died we would call her when we heard these harbinger's of spring. My Mother seemed to call us first most of the time - I think because she lived a little south of us.

I opened my email this evening and my friend had sent me a movie of Bette singing at his (Peter and Anne-Marie) wedding. (see below) She had such a beautiful voice. In college she would play at coffee houses, churches, and other small local community events. After we got married when I was working at a hospital she would come in on a weekly basis and do sing-alongs with some of the patients. She was involved with the local church choir when we lived in Merrimacport. And the last few years we got into Karaoke. I wish I had recorded some of those fun nights spent with Bette and friends...

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